Getting Started on the Right Foot


dog in sneakers

Everything You Need to Know…

  1. Good attendance is of utmost importance during first grade.  When your child is sick, please notify our school nurse.  When your child returns to school, please send in a note.
  2. We must be able to contact all parents throughout the day in case of an emergency.  If you have a cell phone, please drop me a note with that number, so that I can remain in contact with you.  Send your email address if you would like me to contact you through email.  My email address is
  3. When you expect to pick up your child from school earlier than the normal school day, you must write a note.  A telephone call is not enough. 
  4. If your child takes the bus, please review with them the importance of knowing their route number.  We will keep track of this information in the classroom as well, but it is important for first graders to be responsible.  A note is necessary for any changes in transportation. 
  5. If your child brings lunch from home, put his/her name on the box or bag.  If they buy lunch, please put money in a clearly labeled envelope.  Wallets are useful as well, since students will be expected to keep track of their own money. 
  6. Since our lunch period is early in the day, we will have a snack period in the afternoon.  Please send a healthy snack.  It is not necessary to send a large snack, one snack is sufficient.  Please make sure the snack is labeled and in a Ziploc bag for safe keeping.
  7. If you plan to have your child celebrate his/her birthday in school, please send in a note to let me know a few days in advance.  You and the birthday boy/girl may decide together what would be an appropriate treat to share with our class.  However, please refrain from sending in treat bags.